2. 유의 사항
- 단수 후 공급 시 초기에 에어 및 이물질(녹물)이 나올수 있습니다.(1분 이상 계속 흘려서 녹물이 나오지 않을때 사용하세요)
- 2월 23일 09:00 이후 시운전 및 공급 TEST 관계로 간헐적으로 단수가 될 수 있습니다.
- 공사 기간 동안 화장실 사용이 불가하오니 학내 건물을 이용하시기 바랍니다.
※ 문의전화: (운영사) 062-460-5114 (생활관) 062-530-4599
Notice of Water Supply Interruption for Dormitory Building 9(change)
In order to ensure a smooth water supply for Dormitory Building 9, we are scheduled to carry out a "Replacement of the Old booster Pump" construction work as outlined below.
Please be aware of the scheduled water interruption to avoid any inconvenience due to issues with showers and toilets.
We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation
1. Water Interruption Schedule
Water supply/Interruption Details
9th Building
Feb. 21, 2025(Fri)
Water supply interruption
sinks, showers
Feb. 22, 2025(Sat)
Water supply resumed
sinks, showers
Water supply interruption
Feb. 23, 2025(Sun)
Water supply resumed
2. Important Notes
- After the water supply is resumed, air and impurities(rust) may appear initially.(Please wait for more than 1 minute until the water runs clear before use.)
- From 09:00 on Feb. 23, 2025, intermittent water interruptions may occur due to testing and operation of the water supply system.
- During the construction period, the restrooms will be unavailable. Please use the restrooms in the campus buildings.
※ For Inquiries: (Operator) 062-460-5114 (Dormitory Office) 062-530-4599
전남대학교 생활관장